Target OpenDay 2024 Target OpenDay 2024



Prepare to immerse yourself in a range of engaging sessions designed to expand your skill set and propel your professional growth. As ever, our workshops are carefully curated to cater to you - offering invaluable insights and practical knowledge from a range of experts with the common goal of providing you with as much valuable, usable information as possible in a single day.

From deep dives into the latest industry trends to practical demonstrations of cutting-edge technologies and easy ways to make your business more profitable, our workshops cover a wide range of topics relevant to the IT industry. Whether you're seeking to enhance your technical expertise, sharpen your business knowledge, or explore new opportunities, there's something for everyone in the Target Open Day workshops.

We'll be announcing the workshops in due course, keep checking back for the latest information.

West Yorkshire Police

Cyber Security Escape Room

At this year's Open Day, West Yorkshire Police are providing an innovative and engaging initiative to educate you about the dangers of cybercrime: the Cyber Crime Escape Room. This interactive experience is designed to raise awareness about various online threats and to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to protect your customers, your business, and yourself in the digital age. For more information, click here.

Mint Human Resources

Outsourced HR for Micro Businesses to SMEs

If you're a business and think you don't need to worry about HR, then think again. Mint HR, a team of HR experts, have been helping businesses outsource their HR ups and downs since 2016. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to learn and develop, ensuring that you are well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities in human resource management. During the workshop, you will gain valuable insights into best practices for HR management, understand the key essentials for compliance, and learn how to create a positive workplace culture.

Connections Community

Mastering the Art of Speaking to People

Speaking to people confidently is no easy thing. We all have worries about our own knowledge and skills and sometimes it holds us back from making the most of an opportunity, be it in your personal life or in your business. Join Claire, who will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become effective and confident in your day-to-day conversations. You will learn to boost your confidence, master body language, improve your clarity and coherence to your benefit, and receive top tips for effective and impactful communication, so you can go and speak to anyone of any level and win those deals.


Go After Bigger Deals with Extended Payment Options

There's nothing worse than having to turn down business because your cashflow won't allow for it. Good news, Mondu is there to help you. Designed specifically for B2B trade, Mondu's advanced payment options give you the flexibility of buying stock for projects, more expensive products, or your normal stock when cash is just a bit tight. Find out how Mondu can actively help spread or delaying the costs so you can go after business without having to stump up the cash before you've been paid.